Once your order is confirmed, it will be shipped within 1-3 business days. Don’t worry all orders are tracked with a code which will be sent out to you once your item/s are dispatched from our warehouse.


All products in FYTP LLC Store are handcraft and some of them are also hand dyed products. Since there is no ready made product in the FYTP LLC Store, the making process of your order nearly takes 2 days to be ready for shipment. Those 2 days may be shorter or a few days longer according to your ordered item, customizations, extras.

Normally, the shipping period takes 5-7 business days to be at your address. (Delivery companies declare those figures.) Once you complete the purchasement, we add your order with its number(ID) to the Production List which is being followed up both by masters and related staff. After the Quality Control Process, we ship your consignment For the best delivery in a short time, please fill your phone number, email address, postcode and address while ordering.